
Category: Income Tax

Half-term help with childcare costs

HMRC is reminding parents that they may be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) to help pay for October half-term holiday clubs and wraparound care during the school terms.

The TFC scheme can help

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Donations through Gift Aid

The Gift Aid scheme is available to all UK taxpayers. The charity or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) concerned can take a taxpayer’s donation and, provided all the qualifying conditions are met,

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Jeopardy amendments

A jeopardy amendment can be made to a taxpayer’s Self-Assessment return as part of an S9A general enquiry. A jeopardy amendment should only be made where an HMRC officer believes there is an imminent

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Income Tax in Scotland

The Scottish rate of income tax (SRIT) is payable on the non-savings and non-dividend income of those defined as Scottish taxpayers.

The definition of a Scottish taxpayer is generally focused on the

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Joining the MTD ITSA pilot

Many businesses and agents are already keeping digital records and providing updates to HMRC as part of a live pilot to test and develop the Making Tax Digital (MTD) for Income Tax Self-Assessment

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Taxable and tax-free State Benefits

Whilst there are a large number of state benefits available, it is not clear which of these benefits are taxable and which are tax-free.

HMRC’s guidance provides the following list of the most common

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How dividends are taxed

The dividend tax allowance was first introduced in 2016 and replaced the old dividend tax credit with an annual £5,000 dividend allowance. Tax was payable on dividends received over this amount. The

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Using Advisory Fuel rates

The easiest way to ensure that no car-fuel benefit charge (for private journeys in a company car) is payable, is to use the advisory fuel rates published by HMRC to repay any private fuel costs to

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