SA checklist

Self-Assessment Tax Return: Document checklist for 2018-19

Employment (all employment from 06/04/18 – 05/04/19)

  1. P60 or P45 showing gross salary, tax deducted by PAYE, and student loan deductions.
  2. If applicable, an employer’s P11D, showing all benefits.
  3. A list of any tax-deductible expenses e.g. professional subscriptions, travel expenses etc.



  1. Business records (if not already provided). This should include:
    – Bank statements covering the financial year in question.
    – Sales invoices.
    – Purchase invoices.
    – Other applicable information e.g. business mileage records, number of hours worked from home etc.
  2. Interest income and tax deducted.
  3. Any other income.




  1. Occupational pension – either a P60 or Certificate of Pension paid.
  2. State pension – pension received and notification letter.
  3. Other taxable benefits e.g. taxable lump sums received.



  1. Documentation of pension contributions (including dates, amounts and policy details).


Investment income

  1. Interest from banks, building societies etc. – certificates/statements of interest received and tax deducted.
  2. Dividends – vouchers showing dividend received, date and tax credit.
  3. Income from trusts, settlements, estates and Deeds of Covenant –  certificate/statement of income and tax deducted.
  4. Property income – records showing:
    – Income.
    – Expenditure.
    – Mortgage interest statements.



  1. The following list is not exhaustive:
    – Monies withdrawn from life assurance policies/bonds.
    – Gift Aid or Deed of Covenant payments.
    – Student Loan repayments.
    – Other payments qualifying for tax relief.


Capital transactions

  1. Disposal where gain was greater than £11,000.
  2. Capital losses to be claimed.
  3. Property acquisitions and disposals.
  4. Shares/securities bought/sold.
  5. Other chargeable disposals e.g. personal effects worth over £11,000.


For assistance with your Self-Assessment Tax Return, or for any other accounting needs, contact Stack & Jones Accountant on 01869 277973 for a free 1-hour consultation.

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