
Category: General

2023 Spring Budget

Personal Tax Allowances & Bands Pensions National Insurance Car Benefits Corporation Tax Tax On Dividends As Corporation Tax due on directors’ overdrawn loan accounts is

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2022 Autumn Budget

Budget Summary Personal Taxation and Wages Business Tax Research and Development Households Please contact us if you would like to discuss any of the above

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SA taxpayers target for fraudsters

Fraudsters are continuing to target taxpayers with scam emails in advance of the deadline for submission of Self-Assessment returns for the 2021-22 tax year. In fact, in the 12 months to August 2022,

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Claiming Child Trust Fund cash

If you turned 18 on or after 1 September 2020 there may be cash waiting for you in a dormant Child Trust Fund (CTF). If your children recently turned 18 you should also check if they have claimed the

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Government U-turn on 45p tax rate

The Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng has announced plans to scrap the proposed removal of the 45p tax rate from April 2023. The proposed removal of the 45p Rate was first announced as part of the Growth

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The Growth Plan 2022

The new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, delivered a fiscal statement referred to as The Growth Plan 2022 on 23 September 2022. The statement to a packed House of Commons centred on the

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Land Registry Property Alerts

HM Land Registry’s property alert service is a free service to help protect property owners from fraud. The counter-fraud security measure was introduced by the Land Registry to monitor registered

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Tackling the cost-of-living crisis

The new Prime Minister, Liz Truss has, as promised, sought to tackle the cost-of-living crisis in her first few days in office. She is the fourth Conservative Prime Minister to govern the UK in a

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